Derek Fermaint

Derek Fermaint



Carl Sagan Quote Generator
Program to provide random, tweetable quotes.
{HTML, CSS, Javascript}
Weather App
Uses weather api to provide user their local weather data
{HTML, CSS, Javascript, JSON}
Wikipedia Search Engine
Provides user with Wikipedia articles that have been searched for.
{HTML, CSS, Javascript}
Java Spring Cloud Config Server
A simple prototype of a Java Spring Config server. Built to demonstrate microservice architecture.
{Java, Spring, XML}
A basic game of pong. Built during Coursera data science course.
Sketch Pad Prototype
A multi-color sketch pad.
{HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery}
Trinomial Tiling - Honors Maths Proof Paper
Mathematical Structures honors paper demonstrating the induction proof by solving multiple polyomino problems.
{Maths, Academic Writing}
Modeling System Influence with MATLAB - Honors Linear Algebra Paper
Linear Algebra honors paper to observe a simple system of nodes and networks.
{Maths, Academic Writing}
We Choose to Go to the Moon - Honors Philosophy of Logic Paper
Philosophy of Logic honors paper that provides a logical analysis of a speech I really admire.
{Maths, Academic Writing}



Quality Assurance Analyst

PlusQA - tested on multiple platforms and devices while coordinating with Airbnb developers through the JIRA ticketing system.
{JIRA, iOS, Android, Windows, MacOS, Functionality Testing, Accessibility Testing, Compatibility Testing}

Software Engineering Intern

K12 - built a Java Spring config server in order to test the microservice architecture against the current monolithic system.
{Git, Java, Spring, Scrum, Python}

Computer Science Tutor

MCC - became a certified CRLA tutor in order to teach students over multiple topics.
{Java, C, C++, Visual Basic, .NET, Javascript, Python, Assembly Language, Calculus I-III, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Leadership}

Systems Engineer

Global Data Specialists - junior developer responsible for end-to-end solutions. Participated in design meetings, coding and on-site implementation.
{.NET, SCADA, Visual Basic, HTML, CSS, Javascript}

Mechanical Systems Administrator

Intel Corporation - responsible for daily performance of team of 10 technicians to carry out design specifications. Participated in design meetings with mechanical engineers to troubleshoot systems.
{Technical Writing, Excel, Leadership}


Awards & Leadership

1st Place - NASA Robot Competition

Selected out of 2,000 applicants to compete at NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center against 3 competing teams. We won first place in the competition that included 3 robot builds and a formal presentation in front of NASA researchers.
{Ladder Logic, Project Management, Team Building, Public Speaking}

Jack Kent Cooke Scholar

Highly competitive national full-ride university scholarship awarded to exceptionally promising students with financial need.
{Leadership, Academic Writing}

Industry Chair

Served on the Chair for the Software Developers Association at ASU and collaborated with Uber to sponsor the first hackathon at ASU. Also served as a mentor during the hackathon for freshman teams.
{Leadership, Entreprenurship, Java, C++}

ASU Barrett Honors Scholar

Selective residential university honors college dedicated to supporting academically outstanding undergraduates.
{Leadership, Critical Thought, Academic Writing}

MCC Engineering Club President

Elected and served the club to bring in engineering professionals as mentors for students.

Honors In Action Officer

Elected by the Phi Theta Kappa International Honors Society as an officer and completed a service project by coordinating with UN-Water.
{Leadership, Project Management}

LeaderShape Institute Graduate

Selected by the council of Student Leadership at MCC to participate in a week-long retreat focused on leadership, team-building and creating a vision for the future.

Global Leadership Retreat Graduate

Selected by the council of Student Leadership at MCC to participate in a weekend-long retreat focused on communication conflict resolution in a multi-cultural setting.


Education & Certifications

Software Engineering, B.S.

In progress - Arizona State University

Associate's Degree with High Distinction

4.0 GPA - Mesa Community College

Metadata: Organizing and Discovering Information Certification

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Spring Boot Certification

Udemy - Dan Vega

CRLA Certification

College Reading & Learning Association

QuickScript Applications Certification
